Bits of Yoga Wisdom: Less Pressure, More Focus,Yoga Blankets & Comfort

Do or do not. There s no try.” These wise words from the wise master Yoda, who always seems to be in Zen mode, can be applied to almost anything in life, but especially when it comes to yoga. In the light of the new age movement, more and more people are looking for the right combination of beliefs, hobbies and rituals that works for them and however different these directions may be, yoga proves to be an ingredient that nobody leaves out. It is very easy to conclude why this is happening: Yoga is an addictive ancient fever with healing powers. Even if you try it only once, something will click within you and sooner or later, you’ll come around to its ways.

yoga blanket

In order to meet everyone’s needs, this practice is ever enriching all of its aspects. Just as our bodies differ one from another, so does our ability to push our limits when it comes to all kinds of poses, however simple or demanding they are. Therefore, except for mats, bolsters, blocks, it is wise to also include yoga blankets and complete your collection. In addition, since the blanket can eliminate the need for blocks and bolsters in many situations, it is safe to say that even if you buy yoga blanket and mat alone, you’ll have the right formula to reignite every fiber of your being.

Extra Lift and Less Pressure

For all of those poses that require putting pressure on your knees, a yoga mat may not be enough if you are a beginner. Some yogis decide to keep on using the blanket even later on in their practice, especially when doing a pose with a partner. What’s more, a rolled yoga blanket can give you the extra lift you need when doing a candle pose, or you can fold it four times and use it to support your upper body while relaxing. It can also provide you extra space, so that you can stretch yourself all you want.

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Deep Relaxation

For those that fear the dangers of little learning, wrapping yourself in a yoga blanket, during the final relaxation pose can really bring this experience of surrender on a whole new level. Also, if you are doing this in yoga class, it will furthermore strengthen the feeling of unity as opposed to being afraid to reveal one’s own vulnerability. Just remember that the material of the blanket is of utmost importance for your comfort. To be on the safe side, buy yoga blanket made of cotton and make sure that it’s dense enough so that it can really give you all the support you need and serve as a fine replacement for a bolster.

As Alexander Pope once admonished

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring”.

May the Force be with you through every pose.