Reasons Why Direct Mail Is Still No.1 Marketing Tool

mailing service

In today’s world of twitting, blogging and posting updates on various social networks, many probably believe that time of postcards, promotional letters and discount coupons is over. Well, not really. Regardless of the fact that everything is computerized, direct mail services still have higher response rate when compared to e-mail, radio and TV. According to a recent survey, majority of participants said they prefer mailing services when it comes to receiving information about services and products. They also said that even though today’s world functions thanks to computers, they still do not trust e-mail marketing and prefer to open their mail on a daily basis. Professional marketers know this and direct mail is still their No.1 marketing tool. Here are reasons why.

Hit Your Target – If you want to execute a successful marketing campaign, go with mailing services because this is the only medium with which you’ll be able to reach every customer of your targeted audience. After all, not everyone has a computer or internet access, nor everyone listens to radio and watches TV at the same time. But everyone receives mail every single day. Thus, hit your target.

Flexibility – Direct mail gives you the flexibility to reach the specific group of customers only unlike any other marketing medium. For example, if your product or promotional package is design for customers who fall under specific age bracket, then you can mail your flyers and/or brochures to those customers only. Mailing lists, which local post office can supply you with are 100% accurate, which is not the case with e-mails.

Avoid Competition – Looking for a marketing tool that will help you send a message to your current and potential customers without having to spend top dollar? Direct mail marketing is your best option. There isn’t as much competition on mailbox as there is on the radio, TV and online. How many ads do you hear when listening to the radio on your way to work? How many commercials you see on TV when watching favorite TV show or important sports event? Now compare that to the number of promotional flyers you receive in your mailbox daily. Turn to mailing services  and avoid competition.

Stay In The Spotlight Longer – Being noticed is a key to success. Therefore, stay in the spotlight longer and increase your revenue numbers. TV commercials come and go, emails get marked as spam and eventually deleted from email box, but with direct mail you will surely have longer shelf life. If interested, your customers will keep your brochure (most likely hang it on the refrigerator or keep in their planner) and refer to it anytime they need your contact info, hours of operations, etc.