Everything you Yeed to Know About Covering Raised Beds

Raised bed gardening is quite a popular activity among people because it gives them the chance to produce their very own veggies and herbs while knowing they are grown under certain conditions. One of the many reasons why people decide on raised bed gardening instead of in-ground gardening is the soil quality. The raised bed gives you the freedom to mix and match different kinds of soil and soil compositions in order to find the one that will help your veggies and herbs thrive.

Read more: Everything you Yeed to Know About Covering Raised Beds

Raised beds on the other hand also allow for better drainage, aeration and nutrients, and as a result, you can obtain more prolific harvests. The amount of food you can grow in these beds cannot be compared to the same space of in-ground gardening which is just another reason why so many people love it. However, just like in any other type of gardening, protecting your produce is essential, and one of the most commonly used ones is with covers for raised beds.

Why Do You Need to Cover Them?

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First and foremost, the greatest benefit is that covers for raised beds provide protection against pests that love attacking plants and eating crops. Instead of spraying them with harmful chemicals and toxins, you can use this simple yet quite effective solution to protect your veggies and have them free from chemicals.

These covers (usually coming in the form of mesh) allow your plants to get the needed amount of sunshine and daylight without compromising airflow. Given the fact that your plants will be covered, the need for weeding will be set to a minimum since no seeds can land in the soil. Another great thing about raised bed covers is that they can also provide immense protection against intense winds and other harsh weather conditions that can literally harm the seedlings. In summer, they can even provide partial shading to plants, and when the weather’s colder, they can even protect the plants from frost, especially the micromesh types of nets.

Usually, this mesh is made from high-quality material that can last you somewhere between 3-5 years. The best thing is that when the time comes to replace the net, you can reuse the same construction frame. For that reason, you should invest in high-quality UV-stable PVC pipes and joiners for permanent outdoor usage.

Types of Covers

source: aussiegardener.com.au


As the name suggests this is super fine garden mesh netting that offers one of the best protection against everything,g especially against insects and pests of any kind. The greatest thing of all is that this mesh still allows airflow and you really don’t have to remove it when watering.

The truth is that a lot of gardeners prefer the use of netting for their plants instead of any other type of cover because it’s the simplest and most protective solution available on the market. The fine mesh one in particular, also seems great in providing protection and insulation during winter, keeping the soil warmer for a long period of time.


The purpose of this cover is the same as the previous one, only that it offers increased protection against frost and colder weather conditions up to -5 degrees. It’s said that this cover also allows decent light as well as air and moisture circulation. Practice shows that this cover can also seem perfect for protecting your plants against heavy rains, strong sunlight and extreme winds. Keep in mind that this protection is better used in winter for greater protection and warmth.

Chicken Wire

This is a durable, flexible and good protective solution for raised beds which is a great option for DIY fans/. However, this protection cannot be compared to the mesh one mainly because of the bigger holes and the material itself. While this may be a good solution against animals entering and eating your plants, it isn’t the best solution against insects and pests.

Aside from this, you can also invest in some kind of plastic cover which can certainly provide good protection to your plants however, it will also increase the warmth which doesn’t make it a year-round solution. Out of all types offered on the market, it’s the mesh/net that makes it the perfect solution so far. Just make sure to go over the models on the market, and find the type, size and model that will provide you with the needed protection.

How to Cover Raised Beds with Netting?

Well, the truth is that covering plants isn’t that difficult especially if you buy a ready-made cover set. Such a set comes with all the needed poles/pipes, netting, accessories and a manual that you should read and follow its instructions. Usually, you just need to put together the pipes, put them in the soil and add the netting.