Factors to Consider when Choosing a Ute Tool Box
Ever seen a tradie without a ute? Or a ute without a toolbox? Utes are the backbone of many small and large businesses. From sparkies, to plumbers, construction workers, landscapers or carpenters, they’re Australia’s favourite type of car. And the tools of the trade are best kept in a secure toolbox. They’re an accessory that any self-respecting tradie just can’t do without.
Single and double cab utes benefit vastly with an installed toolbox. For tradies, a toolbox provides all the needed space for tools and equipment when on the job, and organises those tools in neat accessible compartments and shelves. Everything is where it should be, and you won’t be wasting time rumbling to find that wrench or pack of bolts. In addition, when you’re done, just lock everything up till the next day. Toolboxes are a secure way to safeguard all that you’ve invested in your business, without the hassle of loading and unloading gear each and every day.
If you still haven’t found a toolbox worthy of your ute, no need to worry. Scores of toolbox makers offer quality toolboxes at decent prices. Ute tool boxes Brisbane come in several configurations, depending on what you need and how much you’re ready to spend. To help you choose, consider some of the following buying points.
Types of Toolboxes

First, you’ll need to figure out the overall size, the shape and how the toolbox fits the tray. Size and shape are dependent on the number and type of tools you carry on a daily basis. Also, consider whether you’ll be using the whole tray or need leftover space for anything else.
Different shapes are all about functionality. Some will also provide added space and different ways to open and close. Common shapes are cross deck gullwing, high side, rectangle and square edge toolboxes. Cross deck boxes are just that. They fit across the tray deck and can be placed anywhere along the length of the tray. Gullwing cross decks open at either side, so you can access tools much quicker. High sides are generally taller, but taper towards the top. Similar are low profile toolboxes, but without the height. Both types open outwards along the tray. The same goes for rectangle and square edge boxes, with the difference being square-edged toolboxes are taller than they are wide. Consider the shape that best suits what you use and how this fits on your single, extra or double cab. A bonus is that there are also smaller undertray boxes that store things like protective clothing and smaller tools you use often.
Next, think about the size. The toolboxes in the shapes above come in different sizes to fit different utes. Overall width is the most important factor here, as you don’t want the box sagging at the sides. Height might be important for areas with low roof heights or garages or if you’ve got H-tracks for carrying longer items. Get the specs on the tray so you can figure out the correct size.
Things to Look for When Buying

Now that you’ve settled on size and shape, the next step is to think about materials, build and features. Ute tool boxes Brisbane are made either of aluminium or stainless steel. Thick sheets and solid welds mean these are sturdy enough to take a beating. They also are drill-proof so any of your expensive tools won’t go missing. If you’re worried about weight and how the ute handles with a fully-laden tool box, then go for aluminium. It is considerably lighter, but doesn’t lack in strength compared to steel. Both materials can be powder coated in a range of colours for a more professional look. Exterior finishes can also be optioned with checker-plate sheeting that looks good and has the benefit of a non-slip surface.
The build is another factor to consider. Tight seams with rubber inlays won’t allow water or other liquids to seep through, so there’s no damage to the contents inside or rust forming where it shouldn’t. Welds of separate pieces are seamless. Connecting hinges are top-notch and recessed into the frame. The overall picture is that of high quality, well-thought-out product.
Lastly, think about the features you need. The number of doors and the direction in which they open may be set by makers’ product lines, but you can also customise this along with other things. For easier opening and closing, look for doors with gas struts. These are minor additions, but make all the difference when handling heavy objects. Doors have recessed metal locks that are hard to tamper with.
Inside storage is another factor that sets tool boxes apart. The overall tool box size determines the number of shelves, compartments, and space for lockable drawers. Look for height adjustable or removable aluminium trays that allow for storage flexibility. In addition, slide-out drawers can be optioned so you don’t have to open the box to get to the tools, materials or equipment you use most. Additions like these are convenient and save time.
The deciding factor may be the price. Here you need to balance needs, expectations and available budget. Smaller toolboxes are relatively cheap compared to the overall cost of your tools. But, if you need all the space, security and a few goodies thrown in, then expect to pay more.