Reasons to Get Into RC Racing

Since the mid-60s, the world of RC saw a new branch being developed – RC toys. For a long time now, RC toys have been the go-to toys for kids and even adults and there are multiple reasons for that. One of the most thrilling aspects of RC cars is racing with them an that is one of the main reasons why manufacturers have started making RC race cars.
But why have RC hobby race cars gained so much popularity? Well, one thing is for sure and that’s because they are simply fun to play with. The speeds they can run at and the motor working to achieve those speeds is uncomparable. You also enhance hand-eye coordination just like you do when playing video games, except here you have control over a real-life object.
Why Race RC Cars?

If you love beating other people to the finish line on a smaller scale, then RC racing is for you. You should consider racing with a remote race car because the thrill you get from watching your car go past the competition is unique. Instead of racing with a real-life vehicle, why not get the replica of that vehicle and put it on the tracks? It’s a lot safer and much more affordable.
Where to Race RC Cars?

Unless you’re competing professionally, you can participate at your local RC competitions. These races are perfect for beginners to gain valuable experience and learn a lot about how the big dogs do it. You can also organize competitions with your friends and see which beast is better equipped and goes faster.
How to Race RC Cars?

To be successful at racing with a remote race car, you need to be patient. This mainly refers to when passing someone. You don’t want to end up crashing just because you want to pass someone faster than usual. This is where you want to take your time when starting out. Before you pass someone, you need to know how you’re going to pass them and be aware of the surroundings. You need to wait for the best opportunity and then make a swift move with no hesitation. Patience really pays off when you’re going for that first place.
Getting to know the track is important before the actual race starts. Make sure to go for a spin or two around the track to get the feel of it. This will help you perform better on the race as you can pinpoint key areas where you can pass opponents beforehand. You also need to walk the track so that you can find out if there are any small bumps on corners or other potential places that can cause issues or that you can use to your advantage.
Talking about corners, you need to practise how to hug a corner, so to speak. If you over or undershoot it, it can cost you a spot on the track. But just like with real cars, the same logic applies to hobby race cars too. Speed can be both your friend and enemy. While going faster may be better, it is not always a smart choice. You need to be in control of your vehicle at any speed. If you don’t have good control over it, no matter the speed you can easily end up losing a spot or crashing. You can test out how fast you can go before the race starts so you can get a feel of it.
To be a solid RC racer, you need to avoid making common mistakes as much as you can. While mistakes are inevitable, especially when you’re a beginner, by keeping them at a minimum, you reduce the chances of losing a spot or crashing.
Avoid going full throttle at all times. This can easily make your RC car fly off the track as, like most beginners, you will probably get carried away and get overconfident about the capabilities of your race car. Being overconfident will also have a negative effect on your performance. While there’s nothing bad about feeling confident, overdoing it may lead to a disaster as you won’t be as focused.
Panicking is something newcomers almost always do, especially when they get passed by another car. This doesn’t mean that the track is over, it just means that you are one spot behind, no big deal. You are still in the game, and instead of panicking, you should focus on getting back on track (no pun intended).
Remember to do all the necessary preparations before every track. Walking the track and all that should be done even if you’ve been on the same track before. This will reduce the number of mistakes you’ll make and it can help you assess the track from a different angle.