How to Choose the Best Bow for Hunting
Hunting may seem like an activity that is bad for our ecosystem since it involves killing animals. This can be said for a lot of different things such as animal farms since they too involve killing animals. As outrageous as it may sound hunting in the wild has its benefits. Hunting game animals helps control the wildlife population since there are some animals that can eat around 700 different plant species and we don’t want those going extinct.
Hunting improves personal exercise and it can be beneficial for your cardiovascular system since you’re out in the woods. Putting protein-rich food on the table is something our ancestors have done throughout the years which has been one of the most fundamental survival techniques.
For example, hunting for deer can reduce accidents caused by these animals coming onto an open motorway since there are fewer of them in the first place. By hunting, you can also prevent the spread of diseases and what better way to hunt than with a bow and arrow. The same way you need a hunting backpack you also need something to hunt with and hunting with a bow and arrow brings you closer to your ancestors.

How to Choose a Hunting Bow
Draw Length
The first thing you need to be aware of when searching for the right hunting bow is draw length. The draw length of the hunting bow needs to match your draw length. To measure your draw length, get a tape measure and stand sideways at arm’s length against a flat wall with your bow hand facing that wall. Stand in the same posture you would when shooting with a proper bow for hunting. Make a gist and have your bow arm extended until you have the flat face of your knuckles flush with the wall. Have someone measure your draw length while in this position.
Draw Weight
There’s also draw weight and it refers to how many kg you can draw. This depends on how strong you are and it unlike draw length it can’t be measured. If you’re a beginner and don’t really have the knack for any physical activity go for a bow that has a low draw weight. The more you use the bow the more you’ll be able to draw as time goes by.
Draw Cycle
The draw cycle of hunting archery bows is the part where you make the initial pull and it goes to the cam rolling back until it reaches the back wall and valley. Bows for hunting with smooth draw cycles are the ones you want when out hunting. The design of the cams affects the draw cycle the most and bows made for speed will have an aggressive cam but not as smooth of a draw cycle.

Anchor Point
The anchor point is the point on your face where you make the draw hand come to rest when you have your bow for hunting at full draw. While it is mainly a matter of personal preference the majority of hunters will have their anchor point close to the corner of their mouth. At full draw, this place is the most comfortable with the bowstring touching the tip of your nose.
Axle-to-Axle Length
This type of measurement refers to the length between each cams. Axle-to-axle length is important since it is closely related to the type of hunting you’ll do. For example, if you’re hunting from blind ground you don’t want to get a bow with a long axle-to-axle length, meaning a longer bow. If you’re hunting from tree stands though you can use a longer bow easily.

Grip is well important since it affects accuracy and control. Having a solid point of contact with the bow is crucial especially when starting off. While you’re not gripping the bow, the grip on the bow allows you to balance the bow against your hand while shooting.
Valley & Back Wall
Starting off with the valley, this is the place where the weight starts to let off during the draw cycle. This is also the area size of the play area you have between the back wall and the shooting of the bow. Talking about the back wall, this is the endpoint in the draw cycle and also the point at which you hold your full draw until you soot. Pulling into the valley should always be comfortable and quiet. Shallow valleys have less play but they make for a more confident shooter too.
Hand Shock
When you shoot the arrow you get a jarring feeling which is often called hand shock. You should pay attention to this since it affects shooting accuracy. You’ll want to go for hunting archery bows that transfer the energy well, meaning they do not jump out of your hand once you fire an arrow. A bow that feels fairly dead will prevent you from gripping it too rightly when anticipating the shot which can result in torquing the bow and throwing the shot.