Period Talk: Reasons to Use Menstrual Cups

Let’s face it, as women we have a love-hate relationship with our periods. On the one hand, we’re glad when it shows in a timely manner, moreover it’s healthy, while on the other hand, we’ve so overwhelmed with cramps, emotions, and cravings, it’s too much to bear.

It’s both causing discomfort and relief at the same time, we might get overemotional and cry and binge on chocolate and chick-flicks, but hey, we deserve it for all the inconvenience we go through. Bitchy behaviour for no reason? Blame it on hormones!

As good and bad as it might be, it also has a side we rarely think about, and it affects the environment as much as it affects our health: the tampons and hygienic pads we use. Due to how organic menstrual cups are, we should be having more talks about them as opposed to the other two.

organic menstrual cups

Unlike tampons and pads, the medical-grade silicone cups are designed to collect the menstrual flow and not absorb it, and the fact latest designs of reusable cups are as durable as can be, serving for years to come, they add to less waste (hundreds of pounds of disposable waste over decades) and less costs. Sounds great, right?

Yes, sustainability is a reason to go for organic menstrual cups, and some are even more eco-friendly than others, with their recycled packaging and cotton pouch storage. Then again, cups don’t contain chemicals and pesticides so you don’t have to worry about monthly chemical exposure or the scare of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

Other than TSS, there’s another drawback of tampons resulting from their absorption; along with menstrual blood, they absorb natural vagina fluids which can lead to dryness, or worse, disturbance of the pH balance and bacterial infections.

menstrual cup

Since the cups are reusable, it means you get much less time cleaning during the period days, having in mind you can wear it up to 12 hours a day uninterrupted, without a leak or feeling of discomfort, that is as long as your period isn’t heavy.

They are easy to use, all you have to do is fold them and insert them like tampons, but always make sure your hands are well washed prior to inserting. Cleaning isn’t much of a fuss either, just remove them, empty them in the toilet, rinse well with water and reinsert them.

What’s advisable after every period is to boil the cups, from 2 to 10 minutes, and air-dry them, to sterilise them.