Reasons to Get a Deep Understanding of Your Toyota Landcruiser
Your Toyota Landcruiser is an amazing machine. It’s built to comfortably handle both highways and rough off-roads. And what’s the point of owning a 4×4 powerhouse like the Landcruiser if you aren’t going take advantage of it as much as you can? However, venturing off the beaten trail isn’t as simple as it seems. It’s an adventure that can be both confusing and challenging, especially if you’re unprepared. Therefore, to make the most out of your experience when driving through the Australian outback with your Landcruiser, there are a couple of things you can do.

You should get familiar with the various Toyota Land Cruiser accessories available on the market that can make your experience more convenient and safer. You also need to understand your vehicle’s key systems that are specifically designed to make off-roading easier.
Toyota Land Cruiser Accessories
You’ll need a good set of tyres that match the common types of terrain and surfaces you’ll be driving through. Tyres provide the necessary traction between your Landcruiser and the terrain, so their importance can’t be overstated. No matter how strong your rig is, if it isn’t fitted with good tyres, it won’t be able to put up with the terrain as well as you’d want it to. Tyres for rock and sand are different from mud tyres, which means that you should become familiar with the terrains you’ll be driving through before investing in a new set of tyres.
One of the most fundamental parts of off-road vehicle reliability is quality aftermarket shock absorbers. Don’t make the mistake of getting a cheap lift kit. Quality shock absorbers will take all the abuse of the trail without you feeling it. Think of suspension kits as the foundation upon which you build your vehicle. This is simply because as you start adding new Toyota Landcruiser accessories, you’ll burden the suspension more and more. The more your suspension is capable of handling, the easier and more comfortable your trek will be.

Snorkels are usually optional Toyota LandCruiser accessories but they are an absolute must-have if the terrain you’re driving through involves deep water. If any water gets into the engine through the air intake, it’s going to be completely ruined momentarily. It only takes a few pumps of a water-filled cylinder for an engine to be totalled. The best way to avoid this is by fitting a snorkel so that your engine can draw in air from the roof.
Recovery Equipment
I prefer travelling with at least 2 pieces of recovery equipment – a winch and Maxtrax recovery tracks. Maxtrax recovery tracks are affordable and provide traction under your Landcruiser when you find yourself stuck in the mud so that you can regain momentum to get going. A winch, on the other hand, is the more expensive option but it’s a hands-free method of getting yourself out of any situation. The only downside to winches is that you’ll need something strong to attach the strap to in order to pull yourself out.
Understanding Your Toyota Landcruiser
Traction Control
Almost every modern 4×4 vehicle has some form of traction control, and the Landcruiser is no different. Depending on what conditions your Landcruiser was designed to conquer, it can be a simple on/off setting, or it can be a complex system that features different settings for different traction situations. Regardless, traction control uses either the 4×4 mechanicals or the brakes to ensure torque is transferred from the tyre to the trail and to limit wheel slip.
4×4 High vs. 4×4 Low
This refers to the gearing of your transfer case. 4×4 high is what you drive around every day, as it allows for lower torque to the wheels when stopped and better top-end speed. 4×4 low, on the other hand, provides more torque on low-end speeds, but your top speed is quickly maxed out. In other words, when you need low-end power at lower speeds, go 4×4 low, and when you need to travel quickly and keep momentum, go 4×4 high.
Locking Differentials
The locking differentials lock the turning of the right and left wheel together. In everyday on-road driving, the wheel on the inside of a corner turns slower, as it travels a smaller distance than the outside. In this case, you want the wheels to turn at different speeds. In an all-wheel-drive system, the Landcruiser’s computer keeps making adjustments and shifts power where it’s most necessary. Off the beaten trail, however, this inconsistent speed between the right and left sides can lead to loss of traction. This is due to the fact that the power will shift to the wheel with the least resistance, which is often the wheel not getting traction or slipping. That’s why you want to be able to go full-time 4WD. Doing this will force both wheels to spin evenly, ensuring the power remains with the wheel with the most traction.