Reasons To Use A Reach Truck

The reach truck is a piece of machinery that is heavily used for warehouse operations, especially when it comes to high-rack storage and warehouse storage area maintenance. The reach trucks are actually forklifts, but their unique and innovative features are making them more powerful and functional than any other forklift type.


In general, all warehouse operations are about lifting, lowering, replacing and arranging loads and pallets with finished goods. The reach truck allows the operators to perform all these tasks easily, quickly and with less effort. In other words, the reach truck is ideal solution for every warehouse or production facility.

The main reasons why the reach trucks are so popular material handling machines are:

  • Optimized Performance At Great Heights – Every reach truck is used for handling materials on high locations. A typical reach truck is capable to reach height of up to 13 meters. This capability makes the reach truck an ideal solution for efficient pallet storage. The reach trucks are made to operate in narrow-aisle warehousing spaces. Thanks to their AC technology and optimized performance, they can save you time and available storage space in your warehouse.
  • Full-Equipment – The newest reach truck models are fully-equipped with the latest features and functions that allow the operators to perform various tasks with less effort. For example, the height-adjustable, air-sprung seat for the operator is one of the features that makes the reach trucks to be highly sophisticated.
  • Superior Comfort & Visibility – One more reason why you should buy a reach truck, is because of the high-level of comfort that is provided. The reach truck’s cabin, apart from being equipped with the latest technology, also provides an excellent visibility for more precision and control. Furthermore, every reach truck comes with safety features which prevent bangs and knocks, and even more serious injuries.