Reasons to Use Self-Watering Planters to Add a Touch of Greenery to Your Home

Nature has a way to make us feel immediately calm and happy. Being surrounded by greenery when going for a walk gives our mind and eyes a pleasant view that contributes positively to our emotional and physical well-being. Somehow many of us lack the time to spend enough time in nature and inject our spirit with a lovely dose of greenery.

Therefore, many people are trying to bring nature inside, by including as many plants as possible in their homes. This way we not only imbue our places of living with a liveliness but also give them great decorative touch that adds to the style and decor in our homes.

However, plants are like little kids, they need constant care and attention in order to thrive. You need to water them, change their position so they can get the right amount of light at different periods of the year, or pick the right type of planter that will support their unique structure by giving enough space for the roots and overall plant breed to grow to its potential.

Considering the busy lifestyle we lead today, most people can’t tend to their plants as they should which is the core problem of why some don’t even entertain the idea of caring for house plants. Hopefully, there is one type of planter that makes this possible, giving caregivers the freedom to go about their responsibilities without feeling guilty that they’ve totally neglected the needs of their plants, dooming them to perish. Yes, I’m talking about the self-watering planter.

How do Self-Watering Planters Work?

The self-watering planter pots, as their names suggest, are specific types of planters that make sure the plants water themselves. They offer attractive advantages to the regular type of planters, therefore they’ve become widely used in people’s homes. This article will explore in detail some of these advantages and give you reasons to start using them if you haven’t already tried.

What are The Benefits of Using a Self-Watering Planter?

It Offers a Consistent Supply of Water

source: lander-planter

Plants need water to thrive, but sometimes we end up overwatering them which may cause more damage than benefit to the growing plant. Even worse, we may forget to water them at all, and then we end up giving them an extra dose of moisture which also creates a bad result and a bad cycle for the plant growth. However, this cannot happen with self-watering pots. The practical self watering plant box works on the principle of allowing the plant to drink from its water reservoirs at its own pace.

All you need to do is refill the empty water reservoir whenever you see the plant has used all its water supplies. Instead of being supplied with water from above, these planters use the sub-irrigation method by which plants are watered from below. This, in turn, allows the soil to maintain consistent moisture levels which provide the plant with the continual source of water allowing it to draw water when it needs and grow to its peak performance. In addition to all these, they have a range of other benefits they offer.

You can Choose From Various Designs To Suit Your Decor

As I stated in the beginning, we often include plants in our indoor or outdoor areas as they serve as great decorative pieces. However, the choice of planter you choose has just as much importance as the plant itself. The self-watering planters are super versatile, featuring a variety of modular designs with a smart integrated watering system, so your plants can drink water whenever they are thirsty and thrive all year round.

The self watering plant box features a contemporary design and hard-wearing construction, that is designed to stand the test of time. You can even combine different units to create a garden customized to your space. Some of these are compact enough to fit into the smallest apartment balconies or living rooms. Most of these pots are made using injection-moulded HDPE, UV and corrosion resistant, BPA-free, food-safe, and recyclable materials, that are sturdy, safe, and environmentally friendly. 


It’s Good for Homegrown Herbs and Vegetables

If you love the idea of having your own garden but feel short on space, don’t despair as with these types of plant boxes, you will be able to make this happen. Don’t let their small design fool you as you don’t need lots of space to farm-fresh produce.

These planters are great for homegrown herbs and vegetables, which means less waste, no nasty chemicals, and fewer trips to the supermarket. From decorative succulents and flowers to growing some fragrant herbs and heirloom veggies, self watering planters are designed to grow a wide range of things that let you cultivate whatever type of plants you fancy the most.

It Preserves the Nutrients in The Soil

Since they draw the right amount of water they need, self watering pots minimize water wastage that happens due to seepage or evaporation in traditional containers. The enclosed self-watering mechanism doesn’t allow the valuable nutrients to get washed away, so they are preserved in the soil. This means you will need less fertilizer to replenish the nutrients in the soil. All you need to do is make a one-time quick setup at the beginning of the season to provide your plants with all the essential nutrients they need to grow bigger, faster, and produce more food.

It Lowers The Risk of Developing Fungal Diseases


Given the fact that nutrients get preserved, the natural result is a healthier plant. Besides, these plant boxes work on the principle of capillary action to moisturize the soil. As the plant roots absorb water, the soil wicks up more, which allows for a consistent level of moisture to be achieved in the soil. This, in turn, prevents the plant from getting affected by powdery mildew or other moulds that can prove harmful to the health of the plant.

Although some types of plants, such as spider plants or English ivy, don’t mind growing in water, for other plants over moisturized soil can lead to root rot. The design of the overflow hole of the self-watering plant boxes doesn’t allow this to happen and ensures that the plant never receives more water than it needs.