Reasons Why You Should Wear an Ankle Support Brace
Sprains are a common occurrence amongst athletes, but they can happen to anyone. You can just be walking or running, or even simply standing, and you can sprain your ankle. This occurs when your ankle rolls towards the sole. Depending on how severely the ankle is sprained, it can not only be painful, but it can also cause inflammation.
Athletes wear quality athletic shoes to prevent sprains from happening, but they often combine them with a brace for additional ankle support. Because of the constant pressure they put on their ankles, athletes often suffer these types of injuries. However, even the mildest ankle sprain can make it hard for you to function normally. The solution to this problem is ankle support, such as a compression brace that can decrease the pain, help speed up the process of recuperating, and help prevent future injuries.
What Are Ankle Support Braces?

Ankle braces feature a combination of fabric, metal and plastic. They are designed to be comfortable and compress the ankle, support it and reinforce both sides of the ankle thus preventing further injuries.
Healthcare professionals prescribe ankle support braces for quicker recovery, protection and support if you have sprained your ankle, but they can also be used as a way to prevent injuries. This doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t get one on your own if you have hurt your ankle. However, since there are many different types of braces, it may be prudent to consult a physician before deciding to buy ankle brace for your sprain, especially if the pain is too strong or the injury seems to be more severe.
Types of Ankle Braces
There are different styles of ankle braces, and each of them can be more beneficial than others for different injuries. In other words, depending on the severity of the injury you can get one with a custom fit or simple one-size-fits-all support, you can find one designed to fit in a shoe… They can also be open-heeled or they can cover the heel; they can be secured by laces or velcro. However, ankle braces can be categorised into three types of ankle braces: soft, semi-rigid and rigid.
Soft Ankle Braces

Used mainly for milder injuries, these ankle supports keep your foot safe by keeping the ankle warm and providing compression to prevent swelling of the Achilles tendon as well as inflammation.
Semi-Rigid Ankle Braces

Featuring rigid supports on the sides, semi-rigid ankle braces are ideal for mild to moderate injuries, preventing the ankle to roll from side to side, yet allowing it to move up and down.
Rigid Ankle Braces

For more severe ankle injuries you need stronger support. Rigid ankle braces have hard sides and they can wrap around the foot for a more secure fit. Since they are used as a post-injury aid, they aren’t designed to play sports with them, and generally, they don’t fit in shoes. They also reduce side to side movement of the ankle and allow up and down movement.
How Do Ankle Support Braces Work?
Your ankle is protected and supported by ligaments, tendons and muscles, as well as the ankle bones themselves. While a brace isn’t a cure for injuries, and it can’t offer a 100% guarantee that you won’t injure your foot in the future, it is the best way to lower the risk of injury.
Benefits of Wearing Ankle Support Braces

When you wear one essentially you are providing external support for your internal support. To protect you, this equipment will limit specific motions of your ankle, making it harder for you to turn your foot inward or to point the foot downward away from the ankle.
Furthermore, wearing an ankle brace while you are recovering from an ankle injury, will allow you to regain your range of motion. Because ankle braces are compression devices, they will help reduce the swelling caused by the sprain, which can reduce the pain, as well as also help you prevent another injury.
Wearing quality ankle support braces provide the athletes with more precise control while practising, decreasing the risk of causing further damage. Not only will this help your performance and reduce the pain, but it is also a great way to reduce the chances of developing arthritis and chronic pain.
How Should an Ankle Support Brace Fit?
Of course, your comfort will primarily depend on the severity of your ankle injury. Nevertheless, while the ankle brace is designed to provide you with protection and as a way to relieve the pain, they should feel comfortable. When you wear your compression ankle brace, you should be able to put your athletic shoes on comfortably. Though they provide compression to protect the foot from swelling and inflammation, they shouldn’t be so tight that they would cut your circulation. Furthermore, good ankle braces are made from high-quality materials that shouldn’t irritate your skin.